50% off first month
$115.00 after discount period
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Billed every month
50% off first month-First100
After discount period

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Your storage requirements

Any day from today to 19th March.

Please note

Welcome to rocINDOORstorage, Rochester, NY’s  most advanced storage facility!

You won’t be charged anything until your move in day. Cancel anytime before for free.

After you have submitted your rental agreement and submitted your information, you will receive a text message with a link to download the Noke app, which will allow you to access the facility and your storage unit. If you do not receive this message, check your spam folder. This message will also contain a 6 digit temporary password that you will need when you open the app for the first time. 
Payments are secure and encrypted.
“This was the easiest and quickest way I've ever rented a storage unit. Not to mention the nits are very clean...Mike was very patient with me going over the process..I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!”

10x8 - Indoor, elevator access

One bedroom apartment, living room/dining room furniture

50% off first month
$115.00 after discount period
Show order summary
Billed every month
50% off first month-First100
After discount period